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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

Summary of iiSBE Meeting, Prague
Date : 2006-11-13   下載演講全文(PDF) 20.84 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  The Old Town of the Prague Castle was built around the 9th century in Prague City. The castle was located in Hardcany on the west bank of the Vltava. People could directly overlook the streets in the city from the castle. It was rebuilt in the style of a Roman palace in the 12th century.
  During the 14th century, Emperor Charles IV rebuilt it in the Gothic style and expanded its scale into the spectacular building we see today. With the escort of the local tour guide, delegates strolled in the castle district. Getting tired, they picked a random characteristic restaurant nearby to taste the typical Czech food. Delegates were very lucky to see the changing of the guards, and journey had not been made in vain.

  團員們結束城堡區的觀光後隨即驅車下榻旅館以養精蓄銳。為了爭取與iiSBE執行長Nils Larsson先生更多交流機會,黃晉英團長也指派張桂鳳小姐與陳秋玉小姐利用晚餐前的空檔前往參加Life Cycle Cost的研討會,邀約Nils Larsson先生一起共度晚餐。
  To build up strength and store up energy, delegates headed to the hotel after the trip in the castle district. To make more opportunities for exchanging with iiSBE CEO Nils Larsson, leader Huang Chin-ying assigned Chang Kuei-feng and Chen Chiu-yu to participate in the Life Cycle Cost seminar in the free time before dinner to invite Mr. Nils Larsson to enjoy the dinner together.

  研討會結束後,Nils Larsson先生一如預期地於旅館內與團員們共進晚餐,席間,黃晉英團長再次向Nils Larsson先生闡述祐生共生化的理念並展現祐生主辦SB07地區性會議的企圖心與意願。Nils Larsson先生對祐生在永續領域投入的印象也相當深刻,當場承諾舉辦SB07 Taipei的可行性,並提出整合台灣地區相關領域之資源籌立iiSBE的地方分會等方案;此外,他也建議對數位化之用語digital可再細緻精準些。為了答謝Nils Larsson先生的協調,黃晉英團長特別代表祐生致贈可孕育能量的創作杯皿,Nils Larsson先生當場即愛不釋手地把玩了起來,正所謂送禮送到心坎裡,賓主盡歡。
  After the seminar, Mr. Nils Larsson had dinner with the delegates in the hotel as expected. At the dinner, leader Huang Chin-ying explained to Mr. Nils Larsson again the symbiosis concept of ARF and expressed ARF's ambition and desire to host the SB07 meeting. Mr. Nils Larsson was quite impressed by ARF's dedication to the area of sustainability, so he promised immediately the possibility of the SB07 Taipei and proposed the integration of the sources in relevant areas in Taiwan to form the iiSBE Taiwan. Moreover, he also recommended that the use of the term digital in digitization could be more refined and accurate. To express appreciation for the coordination and arrangement by Mr. Nils Larsson, leader Huang Chin-ying specially presented the creative cup which could nourish energy to Mr. Nils Larsson who immediately played with it in great delight. It was the best illustration of giving a gift to one's heart, and both the guests and the hosts thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

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