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SB14 Barcelona考察團暨iiSBE年度理事會議參與紀要
Summary of SB14 Barcelona & iiSBE AGM
責任編輯: c870225  發布日期 : 2014-11-05  點閱: 7900 次     友善列印轉寄好友
  為持續推動祐生國際化的腳步、關注全球永續建築領域之相關發展,繼參與1998、2000、2002、2005、2008、2011及2013年之永續建築(SB)系列國際性會議後,本會再次組團於2014年10月25日至11月2日間,由社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會理事長蘇慶華教授擔任團長,率領祐生成員李彥頤先生、周伯丞先生、張桂鳳小姐、鍾政勳先生、劉定衢先生、李讃虔先生、林建宏先生、林彣鴻先生及社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會號召之高雄市政府官員曾品杰先生與周一心小姐等11人,前往西班牙巴塞隆納參加三年一度的永續建築國際會議(SB14 Barcelona)及iiSBE年度理事會。
  In promoting the internationalization of Archilife and continuing to monitor global developments in the field of sustainable buildings, after partaking in the Sustainable Building (SB) series of international conferences in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2013, Archilife has once again assembled a team to participate in the triennial SB14 Barcelona and iiSBE AGM in Spain between October 25 and November 2, 2014. Led by President of TSSBE, Prof. Su Ching-hua, the entourage consists of 11 persons, including Archilife member Mr. Li Yen-yi, Chou Po-cheng, Ms. Chang Kuei-feng, Mr Chung, Cheng-hsin, Liu Ding-chyu, Li Tzan-chain, Lin Chien-hung and Lin Wen-hung, as well as Kaohsiung City Government official Mr. Tzeng Ping-chien and Ms. Chou I-hsin, who were invited by TSSBE.

  Prior to departure, Archilife’s Secretary General Huang Chin-ying saw the team off at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Besides sharing Taiwan’s experience in sustainable buildings, the team members were also expected to absorb research outcome by foreign experts and scholars. Moreover, she also reminded the team about the details of attending large international conferences, as well as their personal safety and health abroad.

  考察團一行於2014年10月25日23:45自桃園機場啟程,搭乘阿聯酋航空(Emirates)EK367班機前往杜拜,再轉乘隔日07:40阿聯酋航空EK185班機,於2014年10月26日12:15抵達目的地巴塞隆納埃爾普拉特(El Prat)機場。
  The team departed from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 23:45 on October 25, 2014 on Emirates flight EK367 bound for Dubai. The following morning, they boarded Emirates flight EK185 at 07:40 and arrived at the El Prat Airport in Barcelona at 12:15 on October 26, 2014.

  完成入境手續後,隨即搭車前往巴塞隆納近郊約50公里的「蒙特塞拉特修道院(Monestir de Montserrat)」進行考察。該修道院是加泰隆尼亞地區重要的宗教聖地,在文化和精神生活中扮演了重要角色。團員們參訪教堂內部宛如藝術般細緻的結構,美麗的彩繪玻璃,並親眼目睹蒙特塞拉特聖母(黑聖母),許多來自世界各國的旅客到此,都會大排長龍等候向聖母許願;此外,修道院也是西班牙在佛朗哥時期,學者、藝術家、政治家和學生的避難所。另由於修道院與谷底的高低差達到1,236公尺,是加泰隆尼亞地區的制高點,故可以遠眺遠方景色,視野極佳。
  After the arrival procedure was completed, the team boarded a bus and headed for Monestir de Montserrat, approximately 50km away from Barcelona to begin their survey. The monastery is an important religious center in the Catalonia region and plays a crucial role in the people's cultural and spiritual life. The team members visited the art-like, intricate structure of the church and stunning stained glass. They also appreciated the Virgin of Montserrat (the black virgin) in person along with countless visitors from all over the world, who patiently waited in the long queue in order to pray to Virgin of Montserrat. In addition, the monastery was also a sanctuary for scholars, artists, politicians and students during the Franco Era in Spain. Since the elevation difference between the monastery and the bottom of the valley is 1,236m, therefore the vantage point in Catalonia is perfect for overlooking the picturesque landscape in the distance.

  晚間回到巴塞隆納市區,蘇理事長為慰勞團員旅途辛勞,特別於奧林匹克港邊的北京烤鴨店(Pato Pekin Puerto Olimpico),以具東方特色餐點、啤酒款待一行團員。餐後,即前往下榻飯店Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona,飯店鄰近巴塞隆納大學城,以及全歐洲最大的足球場諾坎普球場(Camp Nou),團員們可就近感受巴塞隆納的大學與運動氣息。由於SB14 Barcelona會場「加泰隆尼亞帕勞會議中心」就在飯店旁,對於團員們參與會議也更加便利。 
  In the evening, the team returned to downtown Barcelona; in order to reward the team members for embarking on the arduous journey, President Su especially treated them to an Oriental feast complemented by beers at the Pato Pekin Puerto Olimpico. After dinner, the entourage headed to their hotel Rey Juan Carlos I in Barcelona, which is located near the Barcelona university town as well as the largest soccer stadium in Europe Camp Nou, therefore the team members were able to experience the ambiance of the University of Barcelona and sports. Since the venue of SB14 Barcelona “Palau de Congressos de Catalunya” is right next to the hotel, it significantly enhanced convenience for the team members.

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