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Archilife Agriculture & Provisions Team Meeting
責任編輯: tolee0121  發布日期 : 2014-09-30  點閱: 1660 次     友善列印轉寄好友
  With rapid and exacerbated climate change, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Famine, Pestilence, Death and War) have emerged. Although Taiwan is situated in a relatively safe region, imported disasters cannot be averted, especially the spread of epidemic diseases and food shortages. Consequently, Archilife has assembled the Epidemic Disease Team and Agriculture & Provisions Team under the Archilife Living Special Team to discuss possible issues that may be induced by famine and pestilence. Furthermore,using Archilife Living Research Center and the surrounding areas as the boundary, relevant contingency measures are devised. In particular, the team leader of the Agriculture & Provisions Team is Mr. Chang Hao-yen, with team members including Ms. Chang Hsiu-yen, Lin Yen-yu and Mr. Wang Tzu-ming etc. As of April 2014, several meetings had been convened to conduct discussions, and the outcome is summarized below:

  Between April 6 and June 20, 2014, 9 meetings were convened to discuss the following agendas and propose appropriate response strategies. Under the influence of climate change, fluctuations in the global food supply as well as the impact on domestic agriculture in Taiwan and imported food are among the topics of discussion. The team believes that the impact of climate change on global food production is expected, but it will not have catastrophic effects on Taiwan. The observable influences in the short-term include decreased quality of crops and increased difficulty in pest control in the field. As for setting aside the Archilife Living Research Center and nearby areas as crop cultivation regions, the team proposed edible and food therapy crops as well as concrete operating procedures such as their cultivation season, quantity and region etc. The team started by analyzing the properties of soils at the Archilife Living Research Center and nearby areas in order to calculate the cultivatable surface area before proposing relevant plans in accordance with the crop species, germplasm database, seed selection, breeding principles, cultivation technique as well as crop utilization and storage after harvesting etc. However, the team did not take into consideration that edible wild plants are more adaptable to climate change than traditional crops; therefore, after reminder from Archilife, the team once again convened another meeting to conduct discussions on edible wild plants. Based on the ratio of 50:50 between traditional crops and edible wild plants, the crop cultivation plan was amended.

  Between August 6 and September 17, 2014, 7 meetings were convened. Besides monitoring climate change and proposing pest control strategies under climate change, on-site investigation was conducted at areas in Archilife Living Research Center and nearby areas that are suitable for wild plant cultivation to propose a cultivation plan by analyzing the attributes, therapeutic effects and risks of various local wild plants. Finally, the outcomes of the two-stage research are consolidated to compile the cultivation calendar. Archilife expects the Agriculture & Provisions Team to continue monitoring food problems caused by climate change in the future in order to contemplate and devise corresponding solutions to ensure the sustainability of people.