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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

Summary of SB08Melbourne, Australia
Date : 2008-10-20   下載演講全文(PDF)-學生會議 36.48 KB 下載演講全文(PDF)-特別論壇 20.7 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  9月23日,考察團員依舊按任務分派,分頭參與各場次之研討會議。而黃晉英團長也特意陪同江哲銘教授前往大會展覽會場巡覽,並向參觀人士解說祐生共生化理念並分享舉辦SB07 Taipei的心得與成果。在iiSBE總會攤位前,黃晉英團長更被簇擁上台,發表即席演說,歡迎大家深入認識祐生以及祐生所從事的各項活動。晚間,黃晉英團長特別挑選當地特色餐廳款待考察團員,慰勞大家的辛勞,也藉機增長考察團員的見識及訓練團員們應有的國際禮儀。
   On September 23, delegateion also participated in different sessions based on the missions assigned to them. Secretary General Huang accompanied Prof. Chiang to tour the exhibition and explained to visitors the symbiotic concept and shared with them our experience and achievements in organizing SB07 Taipei.

At the iiSBE booth, Secretary General Huang was recommended to make an extemporaneous speech to let them understand more about ARF and its activities. In the evening, Secretary General Huang arranged dinner at a local restaurant to express appreciation for the delegation, to broaden their horizon and develop their international etiquette.

  9月24日,考察團員按任務分派,分頭參與會議。而黃晉英團長也把握最後參與會議的機會,再次穿梭在展覽會場,向對祐生表達興趣的與會人士熱情解說,希望不漏失任何一個機會。晚間,所有考察團員盛裝打扮,連袂出席大會安排之正式晚宴,席間,曾造訪祐生的大會聯席主席Dr. Greg Foliente夫婦也先後前來向祐生團隊致意,感謝祐生所帶領的台灣團隊熱情參與SB08Melbourne大會的各項活動,並分享環熱帶國家推動永續建築發展的經驗,豐富了SB08Melbourne大會的視野與內涵。考察團員一邊享用美饌佳餚,一邊欣賞主辦單位精彩的表演節目,為此行劃下完美的驚歎號。
   On September 24, delegation also participated in different sessions. Grasping the opportunity of the last day, Secretary General Huang ran around the exhibition venue to explain the aims and objectives of ARF to participants interested in ARF so as to grasp every opportunity. In the evening, all delegation dressed up to attend the banquet arranged by the SB08Melbourne organizer. At the banquet, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Foliente, expressed their appreciation to delegateion for their enthusiastic participations in SB08Melbourne and sharing the SB experience in tropical countries where broadened the vision and enriched the content. After enjoying fine food and wonderful performances, the conference ended in perfection.
   On September 25, delegation got up early and took the bus to Melbourne Airport to return to Taiwan in triumph. Secretary General Huang also assigned Mr. Li Yen-yi and Mr. Chen Nien-tsu to stay for the closing ceremony to keep a full record. The delegation flied back to Taiwan on transit over Brisbane. They arrived at Taoyuan Airport at about 5:00 pm, the entire trip ended smoothly.

   There were 2059 people from over 60 countries participating in SB08Melbourne, and 50% of participants were from other parts of the world. Over 350 papers and speeches were presented and delivered, and 185 posters were displayed. The results were fruitful. At this international occasion, ARF not only won a seat from the iiSBE Board to actively participate in international affairs and lead delegation from Taiwan to speak to the world, but also astonished the world by promoting the symbiotic concept at international events to facilitate the spread of symbiosis worldwide.

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