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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

SB07 Taipei國際會議紀要(1)
Summary of SB07 Taipei International Conference(1)
Date : 2007-11-10   下載演講全文(PDF) 47.24 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  The morning plenary sessions for November 9 ended with the big applause of participants. The lunch that followed was unlike the "traditional lunchbox" as in most academic symposia held in Taiwan. Through cooperation with the Archilife Living Research Center, the organizer blended seasonal wild vegetables that grown at the ARF Symbiosphere 1 Center to the lunch menus. While guests were enjoying the taste of wild vegetables, a prerecorded video showing the living condition of residents in the Archilife Symbiosphere 1 Center and the use of wild vegetables in healthy diets was broadcast to let everyone understand more and better about the diets in the future symbiotic life.

  At 1:10 pm, it was Parallel Session I where papers selected by the SB07 Taipei Paper Recruitment were presented at the Room Peacock, Room Phoenix and Room Crane of Grand Hyatt Taipei. These papers fell into six sub-themes, including physical environment, living environment, ecological environment, urban and rural environment, new building technology, and policy/assessment/case study. At 4:20 pm, the organizer arranged a city walk tour after the tight conference schedule of Day 1. After gathering at the hotel lobby, guests were taken to the Taipei 101 and Sinyi District. Overseas scholars and experts were pretty much impressed the urban image of Taipei.

  緊湊的市區導覽後,所有嘉賓回到君悅大飯店準備參與大會晚宴,黃晉英秘書長於致辭中表示,在今日議程中與會者密切交流,切磋成果,不論是已獲致共識還是尚待進一步研討,今晚就在這個可放鬆身心的饗宴中,讓所有參加者都感到賓至如歸,而黃秘書長更特別致贈有東方風味的琉璃藝品予大會貴賓,答謝他們遠道而來地參與SB07 Taipei國際會議。隨後晚宴中大會特地邀請到南投東埔國小的布農族小朋友表演合唱,獨特而嘹亮的歌聲,打破了不同族群的語言隔閡,感動了每位與會者的心靈深處。隨後,由司儀介紹晚宴共生餐之特色,其中若干餐點係融合野菜特色烹煮而成,貴賓們在享用餐點時也與大家分享個人體驗心得及趣聞逸事,而SB07 Taipei國際會議第一天的活動也在這場豐富的身心饗宴後圓滿結束。
  After the compact city tour, all guests returned to Grand Hyatt Taipei preparing for the conference banquet. In the address, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying pointed out that everybody had well communicated their ideas and achievements in the morning, and no matter any conclusion was made or further discussion was needed, it was time for everybody to relax and enjoy a good conference banquet, so that everybody could feel like at home. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also presented the glass artworks with an Oriental taste to the guests to show gratitude for their participation in the SB07 Taipei. At the banquet, children of Bunun Tribe from Tungpu Elementary School in Nantou sang Bunun folksongs for entertainment. Their unique and resonant voice that broke the ethnic and linguistic barriers touched the soul of every guest. Later on, the emcee introduced the symbiotic menu for the evening. Some dishes were made with the wild vegetables grown at the Archilife Symbiosphere 1 Center. While enjoying the symbiotic dinner, guests exchanged their views and trivia, and Day 1 of the SB07 Taipei ended smoothing in such a banquet for the body and soul.

  11月10日上午九點,接續著昨天下午物理環境、住居環境、新建築技術、政策/評量/案例研究的分組會議報告,本日登場的都市與鄉村環境、生態環境分組會議報告,亦緊鑼密鼓地進行發表,而各個分組會議主持人、講評人則統整了報告人之論文要點加以比較,為當天下午論文頒獎做預備。在上午十點的休息時間,大會再次與祐生生活研究中心進行現場連線,林俊興董事長特別介紹共生圈一號的設計理念及自給自足的生活方式,而與會的學者及學生亦對野菜的栽種及功效感到興趣而紛紛向共生圈的住民提問。本次SB07 Taipei國際會議透過這樣異地共時的互動方式,間接拓展了與會者的視野,也對未來的生活情境多了份想像。
  At 9:00 am on November 10, group discussions continued with papers on physical environment, living environment, new building technology and policy/assessment/case study presented at Parallel Session I held yesterday afternoon. Papers on urban and rural environment and ecological environment were presented at Parallel Session II & III. Hosts and commentators of each group also integrated and compared the important points of papers presented in the parallel sessions as preparation for the prize presentation of the Best Paper Awards in the afternoon. During the break at 10:00 am, the organizer also made a live connection with the Archilife Living Research Center where ARF President Lin Chun-shin introduced the design concepts and self-sufficient lifestyle of the Symbiosphere 1 Center. Interested in the effects of wild vegetables, scholars, experts and students participated in conference kept asking questions about wild vegetables from habitants of the Symbiosphere 1 Center. With such kind of remote, real-time interactions, the SB07 Taipei indirectly broadened the view of guests and gave them more space of imagination about our future life.

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