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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

SB07 Taipei國際會議紀要(1)
Summary of SB07 Taipei International Conference(1)
Date : 2007-11-10   下載演講全文(PDF) 47.24 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  第一全會的專題演講是「21世紀建築脈絡」,由iiSBE執行長Mr. Nils Larsson主講。Mr. Nils Larsson指出,氣候異變的影響反映在全球平均溫度的升高、風災肆虐、海平面上升與降雨量的變化,而我們同時又面臨饑荒與飆升的油價物價等議題。此等議題乍看之下似與我們熟知的建築考量相去甚遠,但卻將深深影響二十一世紀的建築營造產業。解決問題並無捷徑,我們僅能全面地加快抵禦災變的腳步,以期儘可能減低負面衝擊。
  The keynote speech at Plenary I was "Context for the Construction Industry in the 21st Century" delivered by iiSBE CEO Nils Larsson. According to Larsson, the effects of climate change included increases in global temperatures, increases in storm events, rises in sea levels and changes in precipitation. There were other major issues that will also have to be faced, including famine and high cost of fuels. These issues may seem far removed from the mundane concerns of construction, but they would provide a context for construction that would become increasingly difficult during the 21st century. There were no simple solutions, but rapid actions on a broad front could at least reduce the negative impacts.

  There was a break at 10:20 am. A live connection with Archilife Living Research Center took place. Residents of the Archilife Symbiosphere 1 Center introduced the wild vegetables grown, the vegetable collection and the preparing in the kitchen. While having coffee and snacks, guests could experience the live at the Symbiosphere 1 Center. The emcee also foretold the guests that the wild vegetables that grown at the center would be combined to the menus in the lunch and conference banquet on that day.

  The Plenary II began with the wonderful speech delivered by CPA Director General Lin Ching-rong after the break at 10:50 am. In his speech, "Prospect of Sustainable Development on Taiwan's National Land-Use and Green Building Policy." Director General Lin described Taiwan government's current undertakings, predicaments as well as future prospects, on promotion of sustainable development of national land, and on green building policy, with focus on the official reports made by governmental organizations that were in charge of urban regeneration, building management, urban planning and national parks. He added that the Taiwanese government had drawn up the National Agenda for 21st Century and National Report on Biodiversity in an effort to promote sustainable development. In the future, the Taiwanese government would come up with more strategies to reduce GHG﹙greenhouse gases﹚ emissions and draw up plans for national environmental protection to promote the Green Silicon Island Project in coordination with the progress made in the international circles.

  稍後,由曾任2005日本東京永續建築國際會議秘書長的岩村和夫(Kazuo Iwamura)先生演講「深耕綠色住居的市場─藉重預測及倒推演繹策略」,強調綠建築與永續建築的普及,需要相關參與者的共識與行動才能造成市場的轉變;因此我們不僅需要根據從過去到現在形塑的潮流做成「預測」,也需要運用「回溯推演」的策略想像未來的時點回推至現在,於此過程中,評估工具有助於促進參與者的相互溝通,而籌劃更好的解決方案。
  Later on, Professor Kazuo Iwamura, former Secretary General of the SB05Tokyo, delivered a speech on "Cultivating the Market for Green Housing: By Means of Forecasting and Backcasting Strategies". According to Iwamura, the dissemination of green and sustainable architecture required related market transformation, based upon shared awareness and behaviors of the relevant actors. We needed therefore not only "forecasting", based on the trends in the past and present, but also "backcasting" strategy, coming back to the present from the image in the future to go around. During those processes, assessment tools may help encourage the actors to communicate with one another for finding better solutions.

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