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Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (5)
責任編輯: webmaster  發布日期 : 2005-09-26  點閱: 6699 次     友善列印轉寄好友

  傍晚時分,所有團員回到新高輪王子飯店齊聚一堂,由黃晉英秘書長率隊參加SB05Tokyo大會所主辦的歡迎晚宴(Welcome Party),以更積極的行動拓展祐生於國際間發展的空間。在大會主席村上周三教授致歡迎詞及全體來賓舉杯互祝後揭開晚會的序幕,只見行動積極的黃晉英秘書長翩翩身影穿梭在會場中,努力搭建祐生未來可能的國際網絡,並致上祐生精心準備的紀念品予大會主席村上周三教授,無時無刻不在為國際化努力,專注負責的執行力真是令人折服。其間,更巧遇許多與祐生結緣的老朋友,例如:Raymond Cole教授、Kazuo Iwamura夫婦教授等,即使好久不見,但異地相遇還是讓人相當興奮,Kazuo Iwamura夫人更熱心地為黃晉英秘書長介紹隔日大會第一全會的專題演講人Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker博士,交流彼此的觀點與看法,他也表達對祐生共生化理念濃厚的興趣。而其餘考察團員也使出渾身解數,鎖定來自環熱帶圈國家的與會人士交換名片,並邀約聆聽祐生於9月28日Unit 8的專題演講。歡迎晚宴結束後,空腹的黃晉英秘書長、李君如小姐、李彥頤先生以及陳秋玉小姐仍不得閒,繼續轉換陣地趕製隔日Special Session的簡報內容,在大家集思廣益地努力下,總算趕在餐廳關門前的最後一刻完成。

  In the evening, all delegates gathered at the New Takanawa Prince Hotel to join the SB05Tokyo Welcome Party under the leadership of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying in order to expand the space of international development for the foundation. The welcome party started after the welcome address of Professor Shuzo Murakami, Chairperson of SB05Tokyo, and the toast. At the party, we saw Secretary General Huang Chin-ying shuffled aggressively across to establish the potential, future connections of the foundation and presented the delicate souvenir to Professor Shuzo Murakami, in order to do her best in the internationalization of Archilife Research Foundation. In fact, the attitude and devotion was admiring. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also met many old friends of the foundation at the party, such as Professor Raymond Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Kazuo Iwamura etc. Though they haven't met one another for a long time, it was extremely exciting to see one another in a foreign land. Mrs. Kazuo Iwamura even introduced Secretary General Huang Chin-ying to Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker, speaker of the keynote speech at the First Plenary Session in the day after. After Secretary General Huang Chin-ying explained the view of Archilife Research Foundation to Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker, he expressed his special interest in our symbiosis concept. Other members of the delegations also did their best to exchange business cards with people from circum tropical countries and regions and invited them to join our keynote speech, Unit 8, on September 28. After the welcome party, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, Miss Li Chun-ju, Mr. Li Yen-yi and Miss Chen Chiu-yu still had no time to fill up their empty stomach because they needed to finish the presentation materials for the Special Session in the following morning. With the concerted efforts of all folks, the report was finally completed when the restaurant was about to close.

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