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Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (2)
責任編輯: webmaster  發布日期 : 2005-09-23  點閱: 5640 次     友善列印轉寄好友

  After lunch, delegates moved to the New Takanawa Prince Hotel and Shinagawa Prince Hotel and prepared for the opening ceremony and welcome party of the upcoming Student Session. Meanwhile, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying lodging at the New Takanawa Prince Hotel seized the opportunity to gather members of the jury, including Mr. Chiang Che-ming, Mr. Su Ching-hua, Mr. Lee Horng-mo, and Mr. Cheng Cheng-yung; Mr. Tsai Yao-hsien, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, and Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng for a rehearsal before the conference in order to fully and accurately introduce the ideas and concepts of Archilife Research Foundation according to the rules of the SB05Tokyo and impress all the students.

  隨後,考察團一行搭車前往國立奧林匹克青年紀念中心(National Olympics Memorial Youth Center)參加開幕式與歡迎晚宴。開幕式中首先由學生會議的主席,目前正在東京大學建築所攻讀博士學位的Hirano Tomoko小姐代表致詞歡迎所有前來參加學生會議的人士,接著再一一交棒由其他籌辦人員上台說明大會的流程以及各場研討會之代表團體及所發表之內容。祐生本次也將主導其中一場探討熱帶及亞熱帶地區永續建築之微氣候設計的研討會。在簡單隆重的開幕式後,所有參與人員徒步轉往歡迎晚會的會場,參加學生會議歡迎晚會。會場中各國學生皆攜帶所屬國家或地區之傳統或特色食物,祐生準備的是綠豆椪,提供予與會人員享用,所有人員於歡樂熱鬧氣氛中交流、聊天、討論,考察團一行也把握機會分送名片,邀約來聆聽祐生的演講場次。

  Then, the delegation went to the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center for the opening ceremony and the welcome party. At the opening ceremony, Miss Hirano Tomoko, chairlady of the Student Session and PhD candidate of the Department of Architecture, Tokyo University, delivered the welcome speech to welcome all participants of the Student Session. Then, staff of the event organization committee explained to the participants the agenda of the session, representative groups of seminars, and materials to be presented. The Archilife Research Foundation also directed the workshop 2 : Bio-Climatic Design of SB in Tropical & Subtropical Region. After the simple but solemn opening ceremony, everybody walked to the venue where the welcome party was held to join the welcome party of the Student Session. At the party, students brought with them the traditional or specialty foods of their own countries. We prepared the green bean cake to share with everybody. All exchanged opinions, chatted and discussed in a happy and hilarious jolly atmosphere. The delegation also took the chance to distribute business cards to people they met and invited them to the seminars directed by the foundation.

  During the party, employees of the PS Corporation, sponsor of the venue for the party, also introduced to the guests that underground soil and radiation cooling (warming) were applied to control the internal environment of the building where the party was held. It was a real-life application of green architecture. As the number of guests at the party was more than the designed capacity, the effect was not big, and PS employees gave us their apologies. However, everybody gave a big applause to the organizer for the successful party. To prepare for the seminar on the following day, we decided to return to the hotel earlier. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying gathered members of the jury, including Mr. Chiang Che-ming, Mr. Su Ching-hua, Mr. Lee Horng-mo, and Mr. Cheng Cheng-yung; Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Chou Po-cheng, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Miss Chang Kuei-feng and Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng for a work meeting to simulate possible scenarios at the seminar and discuss the content of the student statement draft on September 24 and September 25.

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