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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(1)
Date : 2002-09-28   下載演講全文(PDF) 31.49 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  Additionally, either alone or in groups, delegates displayed the best of their best to distribute the invitation to our keynote speech on September 25, in order to accomplish the very mission, to promote ARF and to establish friendship for ARF, assigned by President Lin Chun-shin.

  After a day of tight scheduling, most delegates attended the welcoming party held by the Oslo mayor at the Oslo City Hall in the evening. With the organizer's special arrangements, the secondary school orchestra of Oslo played wonderful music in traditional Norwegian instruments to welcome all guests. The Oslo City Government also arranged staff to introduce the guests to the layout of the City Hall and its history. As the food supply was limited, most delegates needed to satiate their stomach with McDonald's though they tried really hard at the party. At the same time, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and other principal investigators who were going to deliver speeches at the keynote speech were having pizza at the hotel while rehearsing the keynote speech. It was the third rehearsals of all speakers, and the n-th rehearsal of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The serious attitude of speakers also gave the younger ARF members a good example.

  9月24日上午,團員們仍舊精神奕奕地起了個大早出席第二全會及各分組研討會。而下屆,即2005年的主辦國也提早於此刻揭曉,由日本東京脫穎而出,雀屏中選。江哲銘教授也提示日本獲得大會青睞與肯定的關鍵性因素,主要為其提出在下一次舉辦時將提供發展中國家免費參與的名額。追根究底,這原是祐生的構想,但卻由日本將其付諸實行。此外,值得留意與慶賀的是,昔日江哲銘教授的日本恩師與身為祐生專題演講人之一的Prof. Kazuo Iwamura將是下一屆主辦國的重要推手與籌劃人員。
  In the morning on September 24, delegates got up early in full spirits to attend the Second Plenary Meeting and group discussions. The host country of the next SB, i.e. SB2005, was announced earlier. It was Japan. According to Professor Chiang Che-ming, Japan was chosen as the host country for the SB2005 because it provided free participation for developing countries. After going into the whys and wherefores of it, we discovered that it was the idea of ARF, though it was realized by Japan. Additionally, it was noteworthy and fortunate that the teacher of Professor Chiang Che-ming and Professor Kazuo Iwamura who was also one of the speakers of keynote speech, would be one of the planners for the SB2005.

  In addition to participating in the group discussions, some delegates who were free then grasped this time to have an urban tour of Oslo, including the Oslo Harbor, historical churches, skiing site, Royal Palace, and resorts. With their independent visit ability, they discovered many visit-worthy spots and shared them with one another. Besides broadening their own horizons, this has strengthened their confidence, which was another gain from the trip.

  晚間,團員們無一不精心打扮,盛裝出席由主辦單位精心安排的晚宴,讓考察團員親身感受、見識北歐民族的待客之道。雖然是個千人左右的宴會,但仍然可以看到服務人員井然有序、不疾不徐地服務餐點,讓我們對他們的效率留下了極佳的印象。此外,為了讓來自世界各地的貴客們放鬆身心,大會也費心安排歌手模仿英國知名爵士藍調歌手Tom Jones,載歌載舞演唱多首膾炙人口的歌曲,當下把大家拉回那個令人懷念的年代。在酒精的催化以及歌手的鼓動下,與會的學者們紛紛一反平日的嚴肅,盡情忘我舞動,真可謂賓主盡歡。而這一晚,所有的成員都是抱著期待的心情入眠,等待明日特別時刻的到來。
  In the evening, all delegates got dressed up to participate in the banquet arranged by the organizer for delegations to feel and see the Scandinavian way of treating visitors. Though it was a party for about 1000 guests, we could see the orderly and unhurried service of the receptionists. In fact, we were impressed by their efficiency and organized work. Additionally, in order to let guests from different parts of the world relax themselves, the organizer arranged singers to imitate Tom Jones, the famous British singer, to perform his best-known pieces. These unforgettable tunes have immediately brought everyone back to the years of remembrance. With the help of alcohol and agitated by the singers, scholars at the party changed their ordinary serious attitude and began to sing and dance with all their might; and both the guests and the hosts amused thoroughly themselves. This evening, every delegate went to sleep with anticipation of the special moments in the following day.

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