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研究課題 > 永續建築相關會議

Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(1)
Date : 2002-09-28   下載演講全文(PDF) 31.49 KB友善列印Print  轉寄好友Mail Friends

  晚間在Radison Plaza Hotel的二樓,由本會做東邀請國際知名學者、友好人士參與祐生首次之越洋國際交流晚宴,與會貴賓包括:Prof. Raymond Cole、Director Nils Larsson、Mr. Ronlld Rovers、Dr. Wim Bakens及Prof. Aleksander Panek等,祐生此次能於「2002年永續建築國際會議」上進行專題演講,上述貴賓扮演著重要的角色;黃晉英秘書長親率祐生教授們各個盛裝出席接待,並利用這個場合,分贈《祐生原歌》及《共生序曲》等CD,並且講述CD背後蘊含的動人故事,讓在座的國際友人深受感動,黃晉英秘書長並請Prof. Cole介紹他所認識的祐生,使大家對祐生有更進一步的認識;席間團員們也充分把握此一難得之機會,紛紛表現自己,代表台灣殷勤接待國際友人,使全場氣氛熱烈萬分,賓客久久不願離席。最後,在內政部蕭江碧所長的建議下,由黃晉英秘書長及江哲銘教授起身先至出口送客後,賓客才意猶未盡地離去,圓滿達成此行國際交流之目的。
  In the evening, we hosted the first international exchange banquet held overseas for internationally famous scholars and friends on the 2/F of the Radison Plaza Hotel. The honorable guests included Professor Raymond Cole, Director Nils Larsson, Mr. Ronlld Rovers, Dr. Wim Bakens, and Professor Aleksander Panek. These people have played an important role to help us obtain the opportunity to deliver a keynote speech at SB2002 Oslo. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and ARF professors were dressed up for the banquet, and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented the "ARF Song" and "Symbiotic Overture" CD to the guests at the banquet. After telling them the touching stories behind this CD, everyone was deeply touched. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying asked Professor Cole to introduce ARF in order to give everyone a better understanding of the ARF. At the banquet, delegates took this opportunity to express themselves and eagerly receive friends from different parts of the world on behalf of Taiwan. The atmosphere was great and guests did not want to leave. Lastly, with the recommendation of ABRI Director Hsiao Chiang-pi, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and Professor Chiang Che-ming stood up and walked to the exit to see the guests out; and guests began to grudgingly leave the banquet. The aim of this international exchange was accomplished smoothly.

  It was a pity that not all delegates were able to join the banquet because of the venue restrictions. However, those who were absent were never left doing nothing. With the great concern of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, tour guides arranged a fine Italian dinner for these delegates to enjoy the southern European passion. They all enjoyed this wonderful treat accompanied by the passion of the restaurant owner and fine wine.

  Early morning on September 23, after recuperating from the night before, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying led delegates in full spirits to attend the opening ceremony and the First Plenary Meeting of SB2002 Oslo. At 8:30 am , the opening ceremony began, and the music played with the representative Norwegian wind instruments by girls in traditional Norwegian clothing, announcing a new chapter for sustainable building issues.

  在開幕式中,首先由大會主席Dr. Frank Henning Holm表達地主國的熱情歡迎,並為所有的與會人士介紹挪威奧斯陸;接著挪威官方代表Erna Solberg女士除了表達挪威政府歡迎之意外,也說明挪威的環境政策;最後則由聯合國代表Anna Kajumulo女士與大家分享世界高峰會對大會主題的經驗。在短暫的中場休息後,分別由世界觀察組織的主席Mr. Dahle、GBC創辦人之一的Prof. Raymond Cole及Skanska資深副總Axel Wenblad等接力闡釋本次大會的目的:全球永續發展對建築的挑戰(Challenge)、新知的揭露與傳遞(Knowledge)以及推廣有效的解決之道(Solutions)。在接下來的分組研討會中,團員們也在王文安老師、郭肇立教授、蘇慶華教授、李宏謨教授、江哲銘教授與喻肇青教授等的帶領下,按分派的組別:Building、Cities、Products、Business及Green Building Challenge等,積極地參與研討並廣泛地蒐集、涉獵相關資料,以期掌握永續建築領域的最新發展並全方位學習籌辦國際會議之經驗與Know-how。
  At the opening ceremony, Chairperson Frank Henning Holm expressed the warmest welcome from the host country and introduced Oslo to all attendees. Then, Ms Erna Solberg, a representative from the Norwegian Government, expressed the welcome from the Norwegian Government and explained to attendees the Norwegian environmental policy. Lastly, Ms Anna Kajumulo, the UN representative, shared with attendees the World Submit's experience about the subject matter of SB2002 Oslo. After a short break, Chairperson Dahle of World Social Development Observing; Professor Raymond Cole, one of the GBC founders; and Senior VP Axel Wenblad of Skanska introduced the aims of the SB2002 Oslo one after another, including the challenge on buildings from global sustainable development, the disclosure and delivery of knowledge, and the promotion of effective solutions. In the group discussions that followed, delegates participated in groups assigned to them, including Building, Cities, Products, Business, and Green Building Challenge, under the leadership of Mr. Wang Wen-an, Professor Kuo Chao-lee, Professor Su Ching-hua, Professor Lee Horng-mo, Professor Chiang Che-ming and Professor Yu Chao-ching. They attentively joined the discussions and collected and read relevant data in order to grasp the latest development trends of sustainable buildings and to learn the experience and know-how for organizing international conferences.

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