The missions of Architectural Institute of Taiwan are to promote academic exchanges,to conduct academic research on architecture, and to improve the quality of architecture. It hosts the “National Conference on Architecture” every year, which is an important domestic academic event featuring presentations of diverse research projects. The topics covered building technology and materials, building information technology, construction planning, building environmental control, building planning and development, building management and regulations, building techniques and guidelines, building economy and production, architectural culture, architectural education as well as urban development and environment.
祐生研究基金會歷年來持續贊助臺灣建築學會舉辦成果發表的活動,面對全球氣候異變加遽的情境,我們更須以數位與共生建築環境來因應。故特於2023 年8 月10 日假本會蟲洞,由黃晉英秘書長代表祐生研究基金會捐贈新台幣壹萬元整予臺灣建築學會,並由臺灣建築學會秘書洪鑫英小姐代表接受。會中祐生研究基金會針對學會活動推展表達關切之意,並期望該學會能不斷精進加強提升共生建築環境品質。
By sponsoring the Architectural Institute of Taiwan on all kinds of academic activities,Archilife Research Foundation hopes to establish a digitization and symbiotic building environment so as to alleviate the impact of climate change, which is currently going from bad to worse. On behalf of Archilife Research Foundation, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying donated $10,000 NTD to the Architectural Institute of Taiwan on August 10, 2023 at the Foundation's Wormhole, and the donation was received by Ms. Hong Shin-ying, Secretary. At the donation ceremony, Archilife Research Foundation expressed the deep concern over the Institute's activities and hoped that the Institute will help enhance the quality of symbiotic building environment for the human race.