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Sketch of Public Policy Communion, June 2023
責任編輯: cathy  發布日期 : 2023-07-25  點閱: 465 次     友善列印轉寄好友

  The June Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2023 was held on June 11, 2023. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The climate change, extreme weather conditions and the ramifications of the Ukrainian-Russian war have put a strain on environmental sustainability and left the global food supply in crisis. The Archilife Research Foundation has been promoting sustainable development since its early days. The government is currently promulgating sustainability awards to acknowledge enterprises and academic institutions with outstanding sustainability results in a bid to encourage nationwide participation of all citizens. Further, NVIDIA co-founder Jensen Huang's recent visit to Taiwan has taken the island by storm. Worth mentioning is that Huang advised NTU graduates in his 2023 commencement speech that rather than doing a lot, the focus should be on doing the best in one's selected endeavors to surpass the competitors. Huang's advice is in line with Archilife President Lin Chun-hsin's guideline which is to set the goals, do your best and maximize the performance. Lastly, let's hope we will all march forward alongside Archilife on the right path."

  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Chang Chen-chung presented a speech on the "Regulations of Cultural Heritage Environment Protection". The speaker first stated that urban development, as regulated by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, shall not undermine the integrity of cultural heritage and that the design of building volumes must undergo reviews, and necessary incentive measures can also be taken to reduce the backlash from development bodies. For example, the speaker raised the cases of the new construction projects neighboring the historical monument, Xizhi Baiyun Police Station and the New Taipei City municipal historical site, Shenkeng Huang Xing-Shun Residence, saying that both projects were designed with the purpose of mitigating their impact on the landscape of the aforementioned cultural heritage. The speaker pointed out that the government's cultural heritage supervising bodies can advise the developers regarding the review materials for submission to remain informed of the views or criteria of the cultural heritage commission and stay in line with the cultural heritage preservation act.

  Next, Mr. Wang Min-chou spoke on "Garden Universe: Yuan Ye Award for Local Aesthetics". The speaker first stated that the "Architectural Yuan Ye Award" stems from the architectural aesthetic movement initiated by the civil society. The award is valuable in that it helps preserve the urban and rural landscapes, foster community development and raise the construction standards of the public sector. The first Yuan Ye Award was presented in 1995 when only eight tower-block construction projects took part in the competition, as opposed to 335 projects this year (2023). The speaker mentioned the Pingtung County Citizen Park, Guantian Administrative and Visitor Center and other winning projects in Yunlin County and Miaoli County, all of which are in line with the concept of a Garden Universe as illustrated by the speaker. Garden Universe is a concept that symbolizes one's pursuit and practice for a beautiful home and garden; imagine a group of gardeners in a deep corner of the concrete jungle cultivating and carving out a fabulous garden universe based on diverse aesthetic viewpoints to achieve the vision of environmentally sustainable management.

  Next, Mr. Yang Cheng-fan spoke on "Climate Change and Medical Navigation System". The speaker first mentioned that according to statistics, there is a higher percentage of self-paid medical expenses among the Taiwanese people than those in the US, Japan and Korea, and medical navigation and robotic systems are one such self-paid items. The medical institution where the speaker works incorporated in 2022 the da Vinci Surgical System and the ARTIS pheno hybrid operating room intended for imaging both hard and soft tissues. The speaker went on to explain the hand-eye relationship between the robotic C-arm and the camera including the eye-in-hand, eye-to-hand, eye-observing-hand and man-machine operating relationships. Currently in orthopedics, precision positioning can be done by computer to make sure surgical procedures go smoothly. The speaker stated that the medical navigation system is an integration of medicine and electronic technology. He also encouraged doctors to learn more about the technology sector.

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The June Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.