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Sketch of Public Policy Communion, March 2023
責任編輯: cathy  發布日期 : 2023-04-24  點閱: 5108 次     友善列印轉寄好友

  The March Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2023 was held on March 12, 2023. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The Russia–Ukraine war has been ongoing for over a year and the resulting political, energy, food and economic crises have affected the entire world. It reminded us all that we should pay attention to risk management. On top of this, the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference were recently concluded. Sino–US relations are entering into the spotlight of global attention. In light of the mutual one-upmanship between China and the United States, Taiwan must remain self-reliant, while individuals should be capable of independent judgment and not be easily taken in by false information. As the pandemic peters out, the world is on the road to recovery. Internal activity at Archilife has gradually being restored and returned to the right track. In light of this, the Archilife Living Special Team will continue to conduct brainstorming and seminars on post-pandemic future trends and research results will serve as an important guide for Archilife in planning for an upcoming sustainable new world."

  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Ms. Cheng Wei-ning presented a speech on the "2022 Phased Research Results Report of the Archilife Living Special Team". The speaker explained that research work in 2022 into two phases. The research focus for the first half of the year was on construction strategies and action plans for symbiotic community living from the aspects of survival, livelihood, and life extension, in accordance with the evolution trends of climate change and COVID-19. Construction strategies include a symbiotic environment, healthy living and digital business, with a scope covering the Archilife Sub-Shield Center and a total of 255 action plans formulated. The research focus for the second half of the year was on exploring the operational mechanisms for symbiotic communities by introducing the human aspect to the original model for symbiotic community living, with the aim of building happy and healthy symbiotic communities. The speaker expressed that she hopes that the research results of the Archilife Living Special Team can serve as a model for promoting symbiotic communities in Taiwan and also form the cornerstones for humankind in building symbiotic civilizations.

  Next, Mr. Li Shu-an spoke on "Effects of Mask Accessories and Mask Wearing". The speaker first introduced the various ways of wearing a mask and different kinds of mask accessories. According to questionnaire survey results, many people do not use additional accessories and about half of respondents experienced discomfort while wearing a mask in the past one year. The speaker mentioned that the protective effects of using a mask support frame while wearing a mask are lower than using a mask alone and the filtering efficacy of washable masks will also be reduced as the frequency of washing increases. On top of the above, wearing a medical mask with a fabric mask or mask holder will actually reduce the protection factor and a protective face shield has no protective effects at all when worn alone and must be used together with a mask. The speaker advised everyone to tie a knot in the ear loops of the mask or fold the edges of the mask to increase its protection factor.

  Next, Mr. Lin De-en spoke on "From Climate Change to Climate Catastrophe!". The speaker first shared that Taiwan rainfall in 2022 was be concentrated in the northern region from September to December, while the situation of water shortages in the southern region was dire. The speaker proceeded to mention that streetscapes of Keelung in August 2022 comprised of residents collecting water using buckets. By October 2022, serious heavy rain disasters occurred. The trend of alternating droughts and floods is worrying. It’s also important to pay attention to high temperature, extreme cold and drastic change in temperature in a day. Based on current observations, La Nina will turn into a weak El Nino and effects include the following: firstly, winter in Taiwan this year may be mild; secondly, spring rain will likely fall in 2024; and thirdly, when a typhoon strikes, it will be a strong one. The speaker expressed that although humankind has undertaken a variety of measures to resolve the catastrophes due to climate change, what actually needs to be done is to resolve fundamental problems at their root. He called on everyone to keep working and be a good ancestor, starting from right now!

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The March Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.