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SB14 Barcelona考察團暨iiSBE年度理事會議參與紀要
Summary of SB14 Barcelona & iiSBE AGM
責任編輯: c870225  發布日期 : 2014-11-05  點閱: 7001 次     友善列印轉寄好友

  2014年11月1日為此次考察的最後一天行程,團員們把握僅剩的半天時間參觀馬德里市區的重要景點。聖米格爾市場(Mercado de San Miguel)為銅鑄結構建築,雖然抵達時尚未開始營業,但透過玻璃外牆透視到內部物品豐富,更重要的是體驗到令人讚嘆的精緻和細節。太陽門廣場(Puerta del Sol)西邊主廣場(Plaza Mayor)東西129公尺,南北94公尺的長方形廣場,四周被4層樓17世紀建築包圍,目前為商場使用,廣場中央的騎馬雕像為菲利浦三世,廣場過去曾是國王加冕典禮、鬥牛、足球比賽、行刑等主要場所,當天廣場建築立面正在進行拉皮整修,但可以看見西班牙人非常重視建築物修護時都市環境品質,故輸出大張帆布讓民眾仍保有原立面外觀景象。太陽門廣場則是西班牙公路網的中心點,周圍有10條街道向外放射,廣場周邊環繞百貨公司與各式商店,是馬德里繁忙商圈與觀光景點,例如:「熊與石楠樹」雕像,以及廣場上唯一被馬德里市政府核可的廣告TIO PEPE,這是紀念該廠牌雪莉酒成立100年周年紀念設立,也是此廣場重要指標之一。在廣場旁看到西班牙電動腳踏車租賃站,及正在整修舊建築物,讓我們感受到西班牙人不僅重視古蹟修護保存及民眾文化藝術涵養,也力行推動低碳交通運輸系統。在經過傾斜度15度的馬德里「歐洲之門(Puerta de Europa)」後,考察團結束了整個考察行程。隨即驅車前往馬德里巴拉哈斯(Barajas)機場準備漫長的返程,考察團一行於西班牙當地時間14:10,搭乘阿聯酋航空EK142班機往杜拜,次日清晨04:35再轉搭EK366班機,2014年11月2日16:50返抵桃園機場,圓滿結束跨越9天的考察行程。 

  November 1, 2014 was the last day of the survey tour, therefore the team used the remaining half day to visit important scenic attractions in Madrid. Mercado de San Miguel is a bronze architectural structure; although it was not yet open at the time, the team members could still witness the rich collection of merchandizes inside through the glass outer wall. More importantly, they were able to appreciate its dazzling, delicate details. Plaza Mayor of Puerta del Sol is a 129m by 94m rectangular plaza surrounded by 4 stories of 17th-century building on all sides. The plaza is currently used as a marketplace, with the equestrian statue of Felipe III in the center. In the past, the plaza was a major venue for king’s coronation ceremony, bullfighting, soccer and execution. On that day, the architectural facade of the plaza was undergoing restoration; it is evident that the Spanish people perceive great importance in maintaining the city’s environment during building restoration from the large building graphics that were applied to preserve the original appearance of the facade. Puerta del Sol is located at the center of the Spanish road network, with 10 roads stretching outward in a radial fashion. The Puerta del Sol is surrounded by department stores and shops, making it the bustling shopping district and tourist destination of Madrid. For instance, the El oso y el madrono (the bear and the strawberry tree) statue and the only advertisement sanctioned by the government of Madrid on Puerta del Sol TIO PEPE, which serves to commemorate the centenary of the label’s sherry. It is also one of the important landmarks of the plaza. By the plaza, there is a Spanish electric bicycle rental station next to an archaic building undergoing restoration, therefore we could appreciate that the Spanish people are not only dedicated to the restoration, preservation of ancient relics and the cultivation of people’s cultural, art qualities, they also endeavor to promote a low carbon emission transport system. The survey team concluded its entire survey itinerary after visiting Puerta de Europa, the first towers in the world designed at an incline of 15 degrees. Thereafter, they headed to Madrid’s Barajas airport for the long journey home. At 14:10 local time in Spain, the survey team boarded Emirates flight EK142 bound for Dubai and transferred to flight EK366 at 04:35 the next morning. They successfully ended the 9-day survey tour when the plane touched down at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 16:50 on November 2, 2014.

  本會組團參與SB14 Barcelona會議以及iiSBE年度理事會,除發表與共生化及數位化相關的4篇口頭報告論文、6篇海報發表論文外,更重要的是藉由面對面的溝通,無論是新知或舊識,都建立了更緊密的連結。經過多年來SB一系列會議的參與,不僅讓台灣團隊有系統地向國際發聲,讓祐生的理念讓更多國際人士瞭解,也使得SB會議開始重視熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶與寒帶地區國家以及地區性、在地化等永續發展議題。
  By attending the SB14 Barcelona and iiSBE AGM, the team has published 4 oral and 6 poster sessions related to symbiosis and digitization. More importantly, through face to face communication, they established more tightly-knit relations with new acquaintances and old friends. Over the years, the attendance in SB conferences has enabled the team in Taiwan to voice internationally in a systematic manner, in turn introducing Archilife’s philosophies to more people around the world. As a result, SB conferences have started to pay more attention to sustainable development issues such as regionalism and localization in tropical, subtropical, temperate and frigid zone nations.

  For this conference, delegates from Taiwan not only included the survey team from Archilife but also representatives from Public Works Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, ITRI and domestic universities, indicating the emphasis of Taiwan’s architecture industry, government and academia on the issue of sustainability. Consequently, we should participate in the next SB conference (WSBE17) organized by Hong Kong in a more proactive manner so as to garner more “opportunities” for Taiwan to make its presence felt in the international academic community. Furthermore, the objective is to take Taiwan to professional occasions in the fields of international sustainable building and technologies in an attempt to elevate the country’s academic and national competiveness. In so doing, we will progressively materialize Taiwan’s vital role in fostering a sustainable global environment.

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