發佈日期:  2013-08-07 @U@ 分類: 交流活動

2013 Summer Living Experience Camp
  The 2013 Summer Living Experience Camp was held from July 8 to 11 for four days three nights with the participation of 15 interns. The Camp was organized around two main themes ─ outdoor survival and everyday applications. Mr. Wu Yuan-he, a well-known expert in Taiwan's ancient trails, was especially invited to teach "Land and Water Survival" and the "Great Outdoor Cooking Challenge". During the lessons, Mr. Wu shared his extensive experience in mountain trekking. In the hands-on session, Mr. Wu taught interns how to tie some common knots, allowing interns to understand when to use these knots by providing simulation of applicable situations. In the "Great Outdoor Cooking Challenge", Mr. Wu taught interns the common fire pit tripod cooking method and everyone made curry rice for lunch. In concert with the Camp's outdoor survival theme, tents were the chosen accommodation. In his class on "Tent Pitching Preparation", Mr. Gao Chuan-chi got the interns to brainstorm the right way to pitch tents in small groups and then correct their mistakes as and when needed. Furthermore, he also led the interns on a rousing chorus of the local song "In Love with North-Link Line" and had them express their creativity using the Chinese characters "Fu" and "Lung".
  In terms of everyday applications, Ms. Lin Ying-chen introduced interns to common legal actions on the Internet through actual news events; Ms. Chuang Chin-feng helped interns organize their thoughts on the qualities and traits of good children through presentation; Mr. Wang Yen-hsiang introduced the everyday changes brought about by technological development, treating interns to a visual feast; Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien brought the interns to the waters around the Camp to collect seaweed samples and draw images of the seaweed they saw under a microscope; and finally, Ms. Tang Shu-chen had the interns harvest vegetables from the vertical planting system and cooperate with each other to cook lunch.

  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. On the second night, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly" and listened to the book reports attentively through videoconferencing. On the final day of the Camp, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Those with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs, in the hope that they will benefit from the precious knowledge and remember the experience. Due to the imminent approach of Typhoon Soulik, the Camp had to end earlier than originally planned in order to ensure everyone's safety. The interns also participated in preparation and contingency planning for typhoon prevention under guidance of the counselors. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.