發佈日期:  2020-01-10 @U@ 分類: 交流活動

iiSBE執行長Mr. Nils Larsson歡聚晚宴
The Reunion Banquet to iiSBE CEO Mr. Nils Larsson
  本會長期贊助以促進台灣永續建築及共生環境相關學術與實務之國際交流,並協助相關產業國際接軌為宗旨的台灣永續建築環境促進會。該會於設立之初,承蒙iiSBE執行長Mr. Nils Larsson的大力舉薦,使得該會能夠在國際場合與相關組織團體進行密切交流,並將台灣的研究成果與國際社會分享,展現台灣的關鍵地位!
The Archilife Research Foundation (ARF) has long been a sponsor to foster academic and practical international exchanges related to Taiwan’s sustainable buildings and symbiotic environment and assist the Taiwan Society of Sustainable Built Enviromemt (TSSBE) adhering by the objective of connecting relevant industries to the world. At the beginning of the TSSBE founding, owing to the strong recommendation of iiSBE CEO Mr. Nils Larsson, the TSSBE has been able to engage in close exchanges with related organizations and groups on international occasions and share Taiwan’s research results with the international community, thereby demonstrating Taiwan’s crucial position!

  為感謝Nils Larsson執行長長期以來的支持,本會黃晉英秘書長於他來台參訪行程的最後一段時間,為善盡地主之誼,特於2019年12月10日假台北喜來登大飯店請客樓百寶廳設宴款待,並邀請台灣永續建築環境促進會蘇慶華顧問、王文安理事長、多位會員及祐生成員等共襄盛舉。
In appreciation of CEO Nils Larsson’s long-term support, ARF Secretary General Huang Chin-ying threw a banquet at the Guest House of Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel (Paipao Hall) on December 10th, 2019 during the last part of his visit to Taiwan to show hospitality, bringing the participation of TSSBE consultants, Chairman Wang Wen-an, many members, and ARF members.

  晚宴由本會黃晉英秘書長主持,席間諸位與會嘉賓笑語不斷、氣氛熱絡,整場晚宴賓主盡歡、酣暢淋漓。適逢Nils Larsson 執行長80歲生日前夕,黃晉英秘書長不但在餐點上,特別安排外國友人較少品嚐的壽桃為Nils Larsson 執行長祝壽,更親自挑選精美生日禮物-琉璃工房的「山水常樂」相贈,祝福Nils Larsson 執行長「吃飽睡好、虛懷若谷;知足樂足、山高水長。」,Nils Larsson執行長深受這份溫厚情誼感動,返國後還特別來函表達誠摯謝意!
The banquet was hosted by ARF Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The dinner was filled with laughter, the atmosphere was warm, the guests and hosts fully and delightfully enjoyed themselves. The occasion also happened to be the eve before CEO Nils Larsson’s 80th birthday. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying not only especially prepared “blissful peaches” less familiar to foreigners to wish CEO Nils Larsson happy birthday, but also personally picked an exquisite birthday gift “Landscape in Happiness ” by Liuligongfang for him to wish him “eat well, sleep well, have an open mind, a content mind, and be noble and far-reaching”. CEO Nils Larsson was deeply moved by the warm friendship and sent a letter to express his heartfelt gratitude after returning to his country.

  歡聚晚宴就在Nils Larsson執行長切下黃晉英秘書長特別準備的生日蛋糕,並由所有與會嘉賓共同舉杯,相互給予滿滿的祝福並期待來日再聚首後,順利圓滿結束。藉由本次的歡聚晚宴,不僅促進本會、台灣永續建築環境促進會、國際友人間的交流互動,更深厚彼此之間的情誼!時值歲末隆冬之際,與祐生成員同享這份喜悅,更鼓勵大家持續朝向台灣永續發展的願景努力,迎向更美好燦爛的未來!
  The reunion banquet came to a close after CEO Nils Larsson cut the birthday cake especially prepared by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, giving each other many blessings and looking forward to getting together again. The reunion banquet facilitated exchanges and interactions among ARF, TSSBE, and international friends, which further deepened their friendship. At the end of the year in the depth of winter, we share this joy with the ARF members and encourage everyone to continue moving towards the vision of sustainable development in Taiwan and a better and brighter future ahead.